judgement day december 22: litigation wsup, doug, i just figured, it pays to be lazy, coz you just stay up in your bed all day'n do nothin' and it's good coz bein' lazy means ya too tired to go out shopping like everyone else does the moment they got hold of the extra month's pay for the holidays. then you open your eyes and before you know it the sun's on it's way down and it's the end o the day and you realized you haven't done much but sleep and you feel good you've been so kind to ye body for givin it a day-off for once. what's more, your mom's gonna be real' proud o you coz this way ya beefin' up ya bank account. Figure huh? yyyeaah...hah-haaaah! (long pause) thing though, story's not over yet. it's not the days's end when the sun goes down and so...December 17, 2005 in jerkHerc