nangopya? dear jacqueline, just got back form johannesburg... t'was pretty exhausting the trip but it's worth it nonetheless. came across lewis at the station in belfast. handed me a letter from niania. on my way back, in the train, i was reading the letter, and you wouldn't believe what i found out. i know i looked kind of foolish then. the passengers were looking at my direction and i would take quick glances at 'em, they all have this silly look in their faces, and i could pretty much imagine what was runnin' in thei' heads. see, i couldn't help it. so abnoxious. totally absurd. there was a part there where it said, and hear this, the glistening eastern sea, the great western wood, the radiant southern sun, the clear northern sky. and i thought, i must have heard o' these lines somewhere. so i thought, alright, what is past is past. there is no need telling edmund about what is past. and i got off the train... be home in mid spring. always, nicolasJanuary 23, 2006 in mistyAphrodite