PotY'06 update
with spirits filling up the toilet bowl pretty fast this year and the growing interplanetary appeal of this grand event, taken to consideration the tragic work stoppage and the sentimental conflict of focus wit teh kimchiweed project, the hub at the pint have been stormed wit over three hundred sixty five and a day hopeful entries to compete for this years big award since it formally opened on october 28, 2006. by tradition, the ten-man postministers party acts as the legislative body that gathers all the entries from the dumps and incinerators of the universe, and along wit the international pool of jurors and alien governors, which acts as the judiciary snobs, decides on the eliminations for the official selection circle of 60, the official list of 30 nominees, the 10 golden laurel citations, the 3 runner-downers yeeeeah, and the 2 finalists that will compete for the 2006 PotY Grand Award. the chancellor of the bored which holds the highest position and presumably acts as the executive body just bums around and do nothing cos he just lost his job. taena talageh!