pyros academia
got me mentos hea. first time i got hold o pam's pic so am placin it up hea wit shy und ich. these two ma portals. taught me lots those times aws grapplin and grapplin hard. they the best. i don't think i can ever measure up. tougher times here yet. world's movin' rearrangin fast. say, pam's flown quebec i suppose, shy's climbin up summits e'naw. caught up wit nico last night bout teh same time caught up wit ryan talkin'bout absorption and gettin by, said chich called the quits. amity's nop hea now. got us food trinkets from travel and left jest the soon as quickly. lea bug taht new book o the arrogant freak. i's gon be teh long three days off can't go up now too late surf's down rain's hea. hea stoic.